映像・舞台 企画・演出
松浦 靖
yasushi matsuura
企画・演出 松浦 靖
1988年渡米。UCLA 映画科・Extensionコースにて、ディレクション&アクティングを専攻する。卒業制作として「Harmonic Progression」(20分)を監督する。
1999年、ダンシング・ベイビーを起用したトヨタ・キャミのシリーズは日本にダンシング・ベイビー旋風を巻き起こすと同時に、トヨタ初の視聴者好感度 No.1スポットに選出される。
IBA、Telly Award
Born and raised in Japan, Yasushi Matsuura came to Los Angeles to study Motion Picture & Directing at the UCLA Extension program. Shortly after completing his film studies he entered production in Los Angeles, then as an Avid editor which gave him both a skill and a strong visual foundation.
After winning a best music video director award he burst onto the TV commercial scene with a Toyota Cami campaign for Japan featuring the "Dancing Baby" character. The Dancing Baby fad immediately swept the nation and the spots captured the "audience favorite" award for the first time in Toyota's long commercial history. This provided the opportunity to expand his TV commercial base, directing for international clients such as Sony, Dunlop, Coca-Cola, NEC, Suzuki and Honda.
Yasushi has earned international advertising awards including an IBA and Telly on behalf of Toyota, Dunlop, and Japan Coca-Cola.
Currently, he is involved in video production as a freelance director based in Tokyo, while also leading, producing, and directing the comprehensive art stage 'Dance, Symphonic Poem Ichiryu Manbai', which combines traditional performing arts with modernity.
【Client lists】
Lexus, Toyota, Sony, Coca Cola, NEC, Suzuki, Honda, Dunlop, Panasonic, Casio, Victor JVC, Schick, Olympus, AXA, JFE, Fuso, Kirin